Bec Pre Nursery, Kindergarten School Student Assessment Program-BSAP


The motive of Bec Pre School Students Assessment Program (BSAP) – is International Knowledge Standards Assessment for Outline Reporting of Kindergarten Inclination and is to evaluate  skills in children from early childhood to class 1.

An initiative by Bec International Education Council, BSAP is aligned to the Bec International Standards for kindergarten in the areas of English/Language Arts and Mathematics and includes three functional areas: physical, personal care and social-emotional skills. Assessment reports from BSAP are used for status reporting for Pre K students receiving special education.

Assessment reports from Bec are used for status reporting for Pre K students receiving special education.

The BSAP is graded by our educationists based on participant child’s ongoing observations viz based on  child’s intentional engagement, habits and skills. BSAP is available for International schools, preschools, and education organizations. Assessment results/Reports from BSAP can be used to determine which skills a child have expertise and to identify the student’s skill/ abilities to learn next.