Associateship Standards

Higher Education Institution/School Management Commitment

Bec Associate institutes and individual member have clear and written views on global citizenship issues, worded in an unequivocal manner (these can be: a mission statement, a vision declaration, a statement on educational objectives, etc.) which is understood by the student body enrolled in its institute.

These views must give a clear commitment of the higher education institutions/ school towards the endeavor to provide insight and knowledge into global citizenship, international awareness and inter-cultural experiences.


The curricular must show in its content the views as expressed in the commitment statement(s), and in its practice show the capability of the higher education institution’s/school’s to further enhance the attitude and knowledge towards global citizenship.

The curricular must be unequivocally spread across the class system, clearly documented, and have the task to support teaching and learning.

Teaching and learning are adequately resourced in terms of staff, facilities, infra-structure and support materials.

The higher education institutions/school demonstrates commitment to the ongoing professional development of its staff, and this development is informed by student learning needs.

The higher education institutions/school shows it has a procedure and clear criteria, based on the views and curriculum to assess performance and the impact of teaching on student learning.

The higher education institutions/school has a failsafe record and result system, is able to analyze and report on individual student performance to parents and third parties.

Governance and Leadership

The higher education institutions/School Leadership members and Management are constituted to provide the higher education institutions/school with sound direction, continuity of leadership and effective support in the current and long-term life of the higher education institutions/school and have signed a written statement that they individually pledge to observe legal and ethical principles in all dealings with the higher education institutions/school community.

The Head/Dean/CEO/Director/Principal is a qualified, administratively and educationally competent individual with a long-standing experience in (international) education.

There are staff guide lines and clear staff-policies and practices.

All staff are employed under clear written contracts or employment agreements and receive adequate compensation for their work. Adequate procedures are in place for the recruitment, orientation and well-being of (internationally) recruited teachers/professors.

Teaching and Learning

The higher education institutions/school furnishes Language Support, Special Education provision and Guidance/Counselling, and ensures that students can benefit from these amenities.

The higher education institutions/school shows responsibility when adequate health care on-site is needed, and ensures provisions for emergencies on-site and at higher education institutions/ school functions which take place away from the higher education institutions/school premises.

Culture and Learning Partnerships

The higher education institutions/school will nurture fairness, trust and mutual respect among students and staff.

The higher education institutions/school will promote a process for debate amongst students, parents and staff alike, to foster a safe and appreciated home and higher education institutions/school partnership, paired with a positive learning community.

Operational Systems

The higher education institution’s/school’s financial resources are well managed and capable of supporting implementation of the higher education institution’s/school’s mission- including sustaining chosen curricular programs.

The higher education institutions/school grounds, buildings, installations, basic furnishings and equipment are adequate for the effective support of the higher education institutions/school’s mission and the total higher education institutions/school program.

The higher education institutions/school meets safety requirements of the local authorities, as well as those required by Bec International where necessary.

Any “auxiliary” services which the school may be offering (food, security, transportation, cleaning, etc.) meet acceptable standards of safety and quality.